Course Isotope 1


Oracle DBA

Oracle Database Architecture: An Oracle database is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information. A database server is the key to solving the problems of information management. In general, a server reliably manages a large amount of…

Java Online Course

Java Online Course Java is a popular programming language. It is used for the development of web applications and mobile applications. A programming world without Java is inconceivable. Widely used in the distributed environment of the internet, it is one of the most popular programming languages for Android smartphones and…

Cybersecurity – Ethical Hacker

Certified Cybersecurity – Ethical Hacker Cyber crime is the use of computers and networks to perform illegal activities such as spreading computer viruses, online bullying, performing unauthorized electronic fund transfers, etc. Most cybercrimes are committed through the internet. Some cybercrimes can also be carried out using  Mobile phones via SMS and…

Pharmacovigilance Course

Pharmacovigilance-Argus safety database Course The global health challenge of maximizing drug safety yet maintaining public confidence has become increasingly complex. Pharmaceutical companies are required to employ named members of staff responsible for pharmacovigilance. Health authorities grapple with the need to provide quality care whilst containing a burgeoning drug budget. Regulatory…

Quality Analyst Course

Different certifications of the Quality Analyst The term Quality analyst refers to the testing quality of product software and services which are to be provided to the customers by the organisation. It mainly focuses on improving the quality of the product and services and making it efficient to use by…

Power BI Online Course

Microsoft Power BI Online Course Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from different data sources to interactive dashboards and BI reports. Power BI suite provides multiple software, connector, and services – Power BI desktop, Power BI service based on Saas, and mobile Power BI…

Selenium Course

Selenium Online Course Selenium WebDriver is a powerful open source test automation effort. Open source refers to free software that is developed for the community. Many test automation tools such as Selenium IDE provide record and playback features. Record and playback allow users to record their actions and replay the actions any…

Business Analyst Online Course

Business Analyst course enhance the skills and credentials applicable to work for your desired industry. Course provides solid understanding of finance, accounting and business principles which help you surface what operational issues exist, and how best to address them. It provides a range of soft and hard skills, including experience in…

Advanced Tableau

Tableau Online Course In 2022 the world will generate 50 times the amount of data as in 2011. And 70 times the number of information sources (IDC, 2011). Within these data are huge, unparalleled opportunities for human advancement. But to turn opportunities into reality, people need the power of data…

Angular JS Training

For online software development, you need to learn several programming languages. Python is now the most widely used programming language as it is easy to learn and there are several free libraries available. This is also the reason why many new developers are turning to python for software development. To…

Blockchain Course

Online software courses For online software development, you need to learn several programming languages. Python is now the most widely used programming language as it is easy to learn and there are several free libraries available. This is also the reason why many new developers are turning to python for…

Splunk Devp Course

Splunk certification online course Splunk technology is used by several people to search, monitor and analyze the machine-generated data retrieved from several websites. Most of these data are created by the users that are then retrieved with the help of Splunk. Splunk is one of the most complicated programs out…

Splunk Admin Course

Splunk certification online course Splunk technology is used by several people to search, monitor and analyze the machine-generated data retrieved from several websites. Most of these data are created by the users that are then retrieved with the help of Splunk. Splunk is one of the most complicated programs out…

Devops Online training

Devops Course Devops certification training is designed for building and scaling production applications to worldwide users. It is a Software Engineer culture that acts as a bridge between software development (Dev) and software operations (Ops) which helps to automate and monitor all the steps of Software construction from integration, testing,…

AI with Machine

Cloud Computing Online Courses Cloud computing is one of the most advanced and widely used in the field of IT. Cloud computing is needed for storing data, networking, analytics, servers, intelligence, and much more. Almost every company uses cloud computing programs to store their data in the cloud for easy…


Azure online certification courses Microsoft Azure online course Do you want to excel in Microsoft Azure online courses? But don’t find any good platform to do so? We here at ICONITINC provide great faculty to pursue not only azure online courses but also provide many other programs too. Today cloud…

AWS OnlineCourse

AWS Training and Certification course will provide the knowledge of how to handle the concepts like Mapping web servers, firewalls, caches and load balancers to AWS services, understand the core concept of loose coupling in cloud computing, learn about the AWS RDS such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Aurora,…

Python Online Course

Python Online Course Currently there is huge interest in the Python programming language. This is driven by several factors,  its ability to be used for DevOps scripts, its use in data science and machine learning and of course the language itself. Python is an interpreted, high level programming language for…

Sap Hana

SAP HANA ADMINISTRATOR COURSE SAP HANA is a combination of HANA Database, Data Modeling, HANA Administration and Data Provisioning in one single suite. In SAP HANA, HANA stands for High-Performance Analytic Appliance. SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an on-premise appliance, or in the cloud.…