Angular JS Training
Angular JS Training
Angular JS Course Content 0/21
Lecture 1.1AngularJS Introduction
Lecture 1.2Execution flow
Lecture 1.3Controllers
Lecture 1.4Bootstrapping Angular APPS
Lecture 1.5Data Binding
Lecture 1.6Understanding AngularJS Architecture
Lecture 1.7Dependency Injection
Lecture 1.8Expressions
Lecture 1.9Directives
Lecture 1.10Filters
Lecture 1.11Events
Lecture 1.12Modules
Lecture 1.13AngularJS XMLHttpRequest (AJAX)
Lecture 1.14AngularJS Forms & Input Validation
Lecture 1.15AngularJS Service Types
Lecture 1.16Single Page Applications
Lecture 1.17REST API Calls
Lecture 1.18Animations
Lecture 1.19Angular with UI Frameworks
Lecture 1.20Installation of karma and jasmin
Lecture 1.21Working with karma and jasmin
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Execution flow