Java Online Course
Java Online Course
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 0/27
Lecture 1.1Java evolution
Lecture 1.2Overview of language
Lecture 1.3Data types, constants
Lecture 1.4Operators
Lecture 1.5Decision Making and branching
Lecture 1.6Looping
Lecture 1.7OOPS
Lecture 1.8Classes,objects,methods
Lecture 1.9Encapsulation
Lecture 1.10Polymorphysm
Lecture 1.11Abstraction
Lecture 1.12Inheritence
Lecture 1.13Accepting input from the user
Lecture 1.14Interfaces
Lecture 1.15Arrays
Lecture 1.16Strings
Lecture 1.17Constructors and destructors
Lecture 1.18Garbage Collection
Lecture 1.19Packages
Lecture 1.20Multithreading(if required)
Lecture 1.21enum in java
Lecture 1.22Errors and Exceptions
Lecture 1.23Collections
Lecture 1.24Command Line Arguments
Lecture 1.25Inner Classes
Lecture 1.26Static and initializer blocks
Lecture 1.27I/O Streams
Advanced Java course contents: Introduction to J2EE 0/3
What is a project 0/10
Lecture 3.1What is a project
Lecture 3.2What is a web site
Lecture 3.3What is a web page
Lecture 3.4Software development life cycle
Lecture 3.5What is a client system
Lecture 3.6What is a server system
Lecture 3.7Teams involved in a project
Lecture 3.8What is designing
Lecture 3.9What is developing
Lecture 3.10What is the role of database manager
Hyper Text Markup Language 0/24
Lecture 4.1What is Hyper Text Markup Language
Lecture 4.2What is a tag
Lecture 4.3What is an attribute
Lecture 4.4Comments in HTML
Lecture 4.5Types of tags
Lecture 4.6html tag
Lecture 4.7head tag
Lecture 4.8title tag
Lecture 4.9body tag
Lecture 4.10Heading tags
Lecture 4.11Bold tag
Lecture 4.12Italic tag
Lecture 4.13Underline tag
Lecture 4.14Strike Through tag
Lecture 4.15Anchor tag(hyper link)
Lecture 4.16Image tag
Lecture 4.17Preview tag
Lecture 4.18emphisis tag
Lecture 4.19horizontal rule tag
Lecture 4.20subscript tag
Lecture 4.21superscript tag
Lecture 4.22table tag
Lecture 4.23What is a table
Lecture 4.24How to create a table
Types of lists 0/16
Lecture 5.1Unordered lists
Lecture 5.2Ordered lists
Lecture 5.3Description list
Lecture 5.4table heading tag
Lecture 5.5table data tag
Lecture 5.6table body tag
Lecture 5.7Caption tag
Lecture 5.8marquee tag
Lecture 5.9font tag
Lecture 5.10script tag
Lecture 5.11paragraph tag
Lecture 5.12Quotation tag
Lecture 5.13Abbrivation tag
Lecture 5.14How to make image as link
Lecture 5.15What is a form
Lecture 5.16What is a form
Differences between get and post methods 0/11
Lecture 6.1How to create different components in a form
Lecture 6.2Textfield
Lecture 6.3Textarea
Lecture 6.4checkbox
Lecture 6.5dropdown
Lecture 6.6buttons
Lecture 6.7radio button
Lecture 6.8Browse file button,etc
Lecture 6.9How to create a user login form
Lecture 6.10How to create a user registration form and take the details from the user
Lecture 6.11Connecting one html page to another html page
Cascading Style Sheets 0/4
Inline style sheet 0/6
Java Script 0/17
Lecture 9.1What is java script
Lecture 9.2What is an object based programming language
Lecture 9.3Modules in java script
Lecture 9.4What is the pupose of java script
Lecture 9.5What is the pupose of java script
Lecture 9.6script tag in java script
Lecture 9.7How to create alerts
Lecture 9.8How to create prompts
Lecture 9.9How to create dialougue boxes
Lecture 9.10Events in java script
Lecture 9.11How to add validations to our pages using java script
Lecture 9.12Adding validations for textboxes
Lecture 9.13Adding validations for dropdowns
Lecture 9.14Adding validations for radio buttons
Lecture 9.15Adding validations for links
Lecture 9.16Adding validations for buttons
Lecture 9.17Arrays in java script
Working with databases 0/8
Lecture 10.1What is a database
Lecture 10.2What are different types of databases
Lecture 10.3Structured
Lecture 10.4Unstructured
Lecture 10.5Pupose of storing data in the databases
Lecture 10.6How to store the data in the database
Lecture 10.7What is a query
Lecture 10.8Different database languages
Introduction to Oracle database 0/10
Lecture 11.1About Oracle database
Lecture 11.2Installation of oracle database
Lecture 11.3How to connect with oracle database through command prompt
Lecture 11.4How to connect with oracle database through GUI
Lecture 11.5What is port
Lecture 11.6How to change the port number of oracle
Lecture 11.7Data types in Oracle
Lecture 11.8What is a table in database
Lecture 11.9How data is stored in tables
Lecture 11.10Performing several operations
Creation of tables in the database 0/17
Lecture 12.1Insertion of data in a table
Lecture 12.2Deletion of data from a table
Lecture 12.3Renaming a table
Lecture 12.4Renaming a column in a table
Lecture 12.5Adding a column to the data base
Lecture 12.6Modifying the data in a table
Lecture 12.7Modifying the size of a column in a database
Lecture 12.8Deleting a column in a table
Lecture 12.9Deleting the total table in a database
Lecture 12.10To see the information regarding table created in the database
Lecture 12.11To see the data inside a table
Lecture 12.12How to perform several operations in the database using GUI
Lecture 12.13Transaction management
Lecture 12.14What is a transaction
Lecture 12.15What is commit in database
Lecture 12.16What is rollback in database
Lecture 12.17What are savepoints in database
Java Database Connectivity 0/36
Lecture 13.1Open Data Base Connectivity
Lecture 13.2What is Open Data Base Connectivity
Lecture 13.3What is the purpose of ODBC
Lecture 13.4What is Data Source Name
Lecture 13.5What are the problems with ODBC
Lecture 13.6What is Java Database Connectivity
Lecture 13.7How JDBC overcame the problems with ODBC
Lecture 13.8Why to connect a java application with the database
Lecture 13.9What is a driver
Lecture 13.10How driver is used to connect a java application with the database
Lecture 13.11Steps for connecting a java application with the database
Lecture 13.12How to register a driver
Lecture 13.13How to establish the connection with the database in different ways
Lecture 13.14Types of drivers
Lecture 13.15JDBC ODBC bridge driver
Lecture 13.16Partially java partially native driver
Lecture 13.17Pure java net protocol independent driver
Lecture 13.18Pure java net protocol dependent driver
Lecture 13.19What is a jar file
Lecture 13.20What is a jar file
Lecture 13.21What is a statement
Lecture 13.22Types of statements in jdbc
Lecture 13.23Normal Statement
Lecture 13.24Prepared Statement
Lecture 13.25Callable Statement
Lecture 13.26What is a procedure in database
Lecture 13.27How to write a procedure in the database
Lecture 13.28How to call a procedure from the database
Lecture 13.29Methods used to write a query in java application
Lecture 13.30ResultSet interface
Lecture 13.31JDBCRowSet interface
Lecture 13.32What is updateCount
Lecture 13.33What is meta data
Lecture 13.34What is Resultset metadata
Lecture 13.35How to see the information regarding result set
Lecture 13.36How to upload a file or image to a database
Servlets 0/56
Lecture 14.1How to create a web application in the IDE
Lecture 14.2What is cohesiveness and coupling in java
Lecture 14.3How to send a request to the server and how to receive response from the server
Lecture 14.4What are the problems that might be faced while receiving responses from the server
Lecture 14.5What is Common Gateway Interface
Lecture 14.6How to achieve cohesiveness using CGI
Lecture 14.7What is the purpose of CGI
Lecture 14.8What are the problems with CGI
Lecture 14.9What is a servlet
Lecture 14.10Life cycle of a servlet
Lecture 14.11How servlets overcame the problems with CGI
Lecture 14.12Features of servlets
Lecture 14.13What is Java Server Architecture
Lecture 14.14How the requests of clients are processed by the server using servlets
Lecture 14.15What is URL and URI
Lecture 14.16What are the servers used to run a sevlet
Lecture 14.17What is Tomcat server
Lecture 14.18What is GlassFish server
Lecture 14.19How to use the servers to run a servlet
Lecture 14.20What is servlet API
Lecture 14.21Types of servlets
Lecture 14.22Http servlet
Lecture 14.23generic servlet
Lecture 14.24How to connect a html page to a servlet
Lecture 14.25How to connect one servlet with another servlet
Lecture 14.26How to pass the data from a html page to a servlet
Lecture 14.27What is deployment descriptor
Lecture 14.28Purpose of send redirect method
Lecture 14.29Real time examples that combines HTML,Servlet and JDBC codes in an application
Lecture 14.30What is servlet context
Lecture 14.31What is servlet config
Lecture 14.32Parameters that can be passed to a servlet
Lecture 14.33Initialization parameters
Lecture 14.34Context parameters
Lecture 14.35How to retrieve Initialization parameters and Context parameters
Lecture 14.36What is HTTP protocol
Lecture 14.37What is meant by stateless protocol
Lecture 14.38Problem with HTTP protocol and how to overcome it
Lecture 14.39What is a cookie
Lecture 14.40How to create cookies
Lecture 14.41How to disable cookies
Lecture 14.42Advantages and disadvantages of cookies
Lecture 14.43What is URL rewriting
Lecture 14.44Advantages and disadvantages of URL rewriting
Lecture 14.45What is a Session
Lecture 14.46How session tracking overcame the problems with cookies and URL rewriting
Lecture 14.47How to maintain sessions in servlets
Lecture 14.48How to end a session
Lecture 14.49What is Request Dispatcher
Lecture 14.50How to forward a request from one
Lecture 14.51What are forward and include methods of Request Dispatcher
Lecture 14.52Differences between Request Dispatcher and send redirect method
Lecture 14.53What is servlet chaining
Lecture 14.54Filters
Lecture 14.55Advantages of servlets
Lecture 14.56Disadvantages of servlets
Java Server Pages 0/71
Lecture 15.1What is Java Server Pages
Lecture 15.2How JSP overcame the problems with servlets
Lecture 15.3Life cycle of JSP
Lecture 15.4Differences between servlet and jsp coding
Lecture 15.5Comments in JSP
Lecture 15.6Declaratives in JSP
Lecture 15.7Scriptlets in JSP
Lecture 15.8Expressions in JSP
Lecture 15.9What is directive
Lecture 15.10What is the purpose of using a directive
Lecture 15.11Different directives in JSP
Lecture 15.12page
Lecture 15.13include
Lecture 15.14taglib
Lecture 15.15What is the difference between JSP include and normal include
Lecture 15.16What is a call back function in JSP
Lecture 15.17How to forward a request from one JSP to another JSP
Lecture 15.18What is an implicit object in JSP
Lecture 15.19Purpose of using implicit objects
Lecture 15.20Implicit objects in JSP
Lecture 15.21page
Lecture 15.22pagecontext
Lecture 15.23config
Lecture 15.24out
Lecture 15.25request
Lecture 15.26response
Lecture 15.27session
Lecture 15.28application
Lecture 15.29Exception
Lecture 15.30Examples that shows how to use different implicit objects
Lecture 15.31What is a scope
Lecture 15.32What is the purpose of specifying the scope
Lecture 15.33Different types of scopes in JSP
Lecture 15.34page
Lecture 15.35request
Lecture 15.36session
Lecture 15.37application
Lecture 15.38What are the differences among all the scopes
Lecture 15.39What is a standard action
Lecture 15.40Purpose of standard actions
Lecture 15.41Different standard actions in JSP
Lecture 15.42
Lecture 15.43
Lecture 15.44
Lecture 15.45
Lecture 15.46
Lecture 15.47
Lecture 15.48
Lecture 15.49
Lecture 15.50Examples for all the standard actions
Lecture 15.51How to execute an applet using implicit objects of JSP
Lecture 15.52ava beans
Lecture 15.53What is a bean
Lecture 15.54What is the purpose of using it
Lecture 15.55What are the rules to be followed while constructing a bean class
Lecture 15.56How to make different JSP pages to reuse this bean class
Lecture 15.57Advantages of a bean class
Lecture 15.58What is an Exception
Lecture 15.59Exception handling in JSP
Lecture 15.60How to use implicit objects of JSP for handling exceptions
Lecture 15.61What is an error page
Lecture 15.62Expression language
Lecture 15.63Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library(JSTL)
Lecture 15.64What is JSTL
Lecture 15.65Purpose of using JSTL
Lecture 15.66Different tags in JSTL
Lecture 15.67What is a custom tag
Lecture 15.68How to create custom tags in JSP and use them
Lecture 15.69Advantages of custom tags
Lecture 15.70How to connect a JSP page to a database using JSTL
Lecture 15.71Realtime examples that combines the HTML,JSP and JDBC codes in the same application
Asynchronous java script and XML(AJAX) 0/14
Lecture 16.1What is AJAX
Lecture 16.2What is the purpose of using ajax concept in your project
Lecture 16.3Differences in behaviour between AJAX applications and other applications
Lecture 16.4How request is sent to the server in AJAX
Lecture 16.5How responses are provided to the clients in AJAX
Lecture 16.6What is script tag in AJAX
Lecture 16.7What are the steps to be followed for including AJAX code in a JSP page
Lecture 16.8What is XMLHTTPRequest Object
Lecture 16.9What are get,post and send methods in AJAX
Lecture 16.10What is ready state
Lecture 16.11What are status codes and their meaning
Lecture 16.12Different values for ready state
Lecture 16.13What is onreadystatechange event
Lecture 16.14Advantages of AJAX coding
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Overview of language